domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

Stockholm Syndrome

 My love got fed up with growing hatred
As passion takes over, I am under your spell
Some say it’s so wrong, it’s just all their paranoia
Where will heartlessness take us?

Just notice me here
Just say I ain’t lost
I am now so exhausted
Withdraw this intense obsession

Abduct me, master me, conquer me
Tame me, use me, make me do stuff
Make me believe it's all so lifelike
Make this torture be so normal, make this love be this pain
And make me pray, make me wish it'll end
And then it'll be you and I
Against all among us

Brainwashed kindness and smooth anger alike
Widespread pity justified by unreachable ambition
Some say it's wrong, but submission is glory
Where will this mindlessness take us?

Don’t ignore me
Don’t let them tear us apart
I am now so yours, my love
Promise me it’ll last longer than ever

Abduct me, master me, conquer me
Tame me, use me, make me do stuff
Make me believe it's all so lifelike
Make this torture be so normal, make this love be this pain
And make me pray, make me wish it'll end
And then it'll be you and I
Against all among us

And now I shall surrender
I shall do all for you
I’m not your hostage, I’m your slave
Keep up with this intense obsession

Abduct me, master me, conquer me
Tame me, use me, make me do stuff
Make me believe it's all so lifelike

Abduct me, master me, conquer me
Tame me, use me, make me do stuff
Make me believe it's all so lifelike
Make this torture be so normal, make this love be this pain
And make me pray, make me wish it'll end
And then it'll be you and I
Against all among us

sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012


Tudo está de ponta-cabeça
É como se tudo tivesse desmoronado
E eu não conseguisse me livrar dos escombros
E nem morrer soterrado

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

In the end

In five days, one month will be completed since we last touched... But who's counting, after all? I kept trying to not look so down, to get to know new people and experiencing new horizons, I really did... I shouldn't cry over you, shouldn't keep thinking of you, shouldn't want to be with you... But somehow this just gets worse and worse... 
Happiness, faithfulness, thoughts and memories have just turned into a mix of lethal dust, and I'm the only one who got intoxicated. I have all the reasons to be over you, to want to smash and destroy you and still, all I miss are the gentil words once said. But what horrifies me the most is the unsaid. The still unknown haunts me as if I were about to perish, begging for help, in the middle of the nowhere, lost inside my feelings. Notwithstanding, I had sworn to myself I would be strong and wouldn't let myself into tears, depression or whatnot. But if I could control my feelings, I would have controlled them right when I first saw you, when I knew you were trouble.
In the end, you may not be so wrong, I may not be so right, and we may only be result of stubbornness... In the end, my best decision had been taken when we were together, when I didn't want you to be around - but you insisted, and this best decision turned into the worst when I gave in -, and in the end, all that's left is sorrow, apathy, fears, disgust, bad feelings. In the end, I realized that, even with you, I was lonesome, but at least I had something to hold on to... In the end, the best truths I believed in were all the lies we lived... The ones you didn't even bother to be sorry for...

quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2012


What am I supposed to do? You are so entertained with your silly friends you have forgotten what I should meant to you. You have effortlessly forgotten me, and seem to be appreciating it. It's like the more you piss me off and get me frustrated, the happier you get. Tell me, tell yourself: is this really love? I'm pretty sure you're not who I want, I'm pretty sure I have to move on... I can no longer be put down, pushed away, disappointed... But I keep hurting... And I keep lying to myself I'll be ok.

domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012

Self Betrayal

What's right about doing this? What's wrong? Is there any other way of expressing how confuse I am? Well, I am disgusted! You couldn't have reached any lower, and I couldn't have felt worst. You say you are ashamed of being the way you are, of being who you are, and you really should feel like this. Your actions mean who you are, and they just show how abject, paltry, filthy, unprepared, immature, stupid, childish and unfaithful you are. Not to me, but to yourself. Loyalty has never been your strong point, and neither have peace. I hope you burn in hatred flames, but even though I'm really mad at you (and at me, for allowing me having come this far for the hell of it), all I feel for you is sorry.

quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012


É tão vergonhoso como nós valorizamos o que não merece tanta atenção, e deixamos de lado o que é mais importante - o que deveria ser prioridade... Um simples exemplo disso é a forma que às vezes ignoramos nossos familiares, mas estamos sempre à procura de novos coleguinhas que só compartilharão dos bons momentos...
Aquele "bom dia" especial, aquela ligação inesperada somente para dar um oi - a demonstração de importância, ela é tão deixada de lado pela correria do dia-a-dia, por darmos importância a coisas e pessoas tão menos importantes, por termos nos acomodado em acreditar que por já termos conquistado alguém, não precisamos mais fazer nada.
If you take someone for granted, it will never guarantee that this one will be there for you forever, and you will be fully mistaken to believe so. Taking someone for granted just hurts and minimizes feelings that should be kept alive by both parts.

sábado, 15 de setembro de 2012


Opções... Escolhas... Enquanto eu for apenas uma destas alternativas, nada se alterará. Amar é um gesto muito nobre que nem todos conseguem. O que parece é que a única coisa de certo que você sabe fazer é errar. Errar comigo, errar conosco. Desejos e expectativas foram trocados por conformismos e decepções. Infelizmente é tarde demais para eu voltar atrás. Se pudesse, dormiria sozinho e acordaria em outro lugar, não com você, mas com pessoa por quem me apaixonei. Se eu pudesse, teria feito tudo diferente. Teria me entregado menos, amado menos, esperado menos, sofrido menos, me machucado menos...

quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012

Jeopardized heart

Paranoia could define my inner self. On the outside, though, I’m basically smiles and soft breathes. It’s like I don’t have any other desires, wishes and hopes have just faded away with unfelt feelings I once thought I’d have. At the same time I wish I would yell whispers struck on my throat, I want to be quiet, just observing how far it’ll take me, how deep it’ll drown me, how breakable it’ll make me. I lost faith on myself, and I just don’t believe words are meant to mean anything. In the end, words don’t hurt, words don’t heal… words are just vain words, and actions show what is really meant to say.